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Getting data from various databases via TAP interface.

  2Getting data from various databases
  3via [TAP](https://ivoa.net/documents/TAP/) interface.
  6# what is available for importing from __init__.py
  7# __all__ = [
  8#     "services",
  9#     "queryService",
 10#     ...
 11# ]
 13import pyvo
 14import re
 16from typing import Optional, Dict, List, Tuple, Any, cast
 18from ..logs.log import logger
 19from ..strings import extraction, conversion
 21services: Dict[str, Dict] = {
 22    "nasa":
 23    {
 24        # case-sensitive URL
 25        "endpoint": "https://exoplanetarchive.ipac.caltech.edu/TAP",
 26        "parameters-that-are-strings":
 27        [
 28            "st_metratio",
 29            "st_spectype"
 30        ],
 31        "parameters-that-have-errors":
 32        [
 33            "period",
 34            "pl_massj",
 35            "pl_orbper",
 36            "pl_orbsmax",
 37            "pl_radj",
 38            "semi_major_axis"
 39        ],
 40        "drops-leading-zero-on-cast-to-varchar": True
 41    },
 42    "padc":
 43    {
 44        "endpoint": "http://voparis-tap-planeto.obspm.fr/tap",
 45        "drops-leading-zero-on-cast-to-varchar": False
 46    },
 47    "gaia":
 48    {
 49        "endpoint": "https://gea.esac.esa.int/tap-server/tap",
 50        "drops-leading-zero-on-cast-to-varchar": False
 51    },
 52    "simbad":
 53    {
 54        "endpoint": "http://simbad.cds.unistra.fr/simbad/sim-tap/sync"
 55        # does not support CAST, so no "drops-leading-zero-on-cast-to-varchar"
 56    }
 59Dictionary of the most common TAP services.
 62mappings: Dict[str, Dict] = {
 63    "NASA-to-PADC":
 64    {
 65        "planets":
 66        {
 67            "ima_flag": "ima_flag",
 68            "pl_massj": "mass",
 69            "pl_massjerr1": "mass_error_max",
 70            "pl_massjerr2": "mass_error_min",
 71            "pl_massjlim": "pl_massjlim",
 72            "pl_name": "granule_uid",
 73            "pl_orbeccen": "eccentricity",
 74            "pl_orbincl": "inclination",
 75            "pl_orbper": "period",
 76            "pl_orbpererr1": "period_error_max",
 77            "pl_orbpererr2": "period_error_min",
 78            "pl_orbperlim": "pl_orbperlim",
 79            "pl_orbsmax": "semi_major_axis",
 80            "pl_orbsmaxerr1": "semi_major_axis_error_max",
 81            "pl_orbsmaxerr2": "semi_major_axis_error_min",
 82            "pl_orbsmaxlim": "pl_orbsmaxlim",
 83            "pl_radj": "radius",
 84            "pl_radjerr1": "radius_error_max",
 85            "pl_radjerr2": "radius_error_min",
 86            "pl_radjlim": "pl_radjlim",
 87            "rv_flag": "rv_flag",
 88            "tran_flag": "tran_flag",
 89            "ttv_flag": "ttv_flag"
 90        },
 91        "stars":
 92        {
 93            "cb_flag": "cb_flag",
 94            "hostname": "star_name",
 95            "ra": "ra",
 96            "st_age": "star_age",
 97            "st_lum": "st_lum",
 98            "st_mass": "star_mass",
 99            "st_met": "star_metallicity",
100            "st_metratio": "st_metratio",
101            "st_rad": "star_radius",
102            "st_rotp": "st_rotp",
103            "st_spectype": "star_spec_type",
104            "st_teff": "star_teff",
105            "sy_dist": "sy_dist",
106            "sy_pnum": "sy_pnum",
107            "sy_snum": "sy_snum"
108        }
109    }
112Mapping tables columns between different databases.
116def getServiceEndpoint(tapServiceName: str) -> str:
117    """
118    Get TAP service endpoint by the service/database name.
120    Example:
122    ``` py
123    from phab.utils.databases import tap
125    tapServiceEndpoint = tap.getServiceEndpoint("padc")
126    print(tapServiceEndpoint)
127    ```
128    """
129    tapService = services.get(tapServiceName)
130    if tapService:
131        tapServiceEndpoint = tapService.get("endpoint")
132        if tapServiceEndpoint:
133            return tapServiceEndpoint
134        else:
135            raise ValueError(
136                f"The [{tapServiceName}] service has no registered endpoint"
137            )
138    else:
139        raise ValueError(
140            f"There is no TAP service under the name [{tapServiceName}]"
141        )
144def escapeSpecialCharactersForAdql(rawQuery: str) -> str:
145    """
146    Escape certain special characters in ADQL query. For now only escapes
147    a single quote character.
149    Example:
151    ``` py
152    from phab.utils.databases import tap
154    rawQuery = " ".join((
155        "SELECT oid FROM basic",
156        "WHERE main_id = 'NAME Teegarden's Star'",
157        "AND main_id != 'someone else's star'"
158    ))
159    print(rawQuery)
160    escapedQuery = tap.escapeSpecialCharactersForAdql(rawQuery)
161    print(escapedQuery)
162    ```
163    """
164    escapedQuery: str = re.sub(
165        r"('([^']*)(')([^']*)')",
166        r"'\g<2>'\g<3>\g<4>'",
167        rawQuery
168    )
169    return escapedQuery
172def queryService(
173    tapEndpoint: str,
174    adqlQuery: str,
175    tryToReExecuteOnFailure: bool = True
176) -> Optional[pyvo.dal.tap.TAPResults]:
177    """
178    Send [ADQL](https://ivoa.net/documents/ADQL/) request to the TAP service
179    and return results. Those can be then converted to
180    a [Pandas](https://pandas.pydata.org) table.
182    Example:
184    ``` py
185    from phab.utils.databases import tap
187    tbl = tap.queryService(
188        tap.getServiceEndpoint("padc"),
189        " ".join((
190            "SELECT star_name, granule_uid, mass, radius, period, semi_major_axis",
191            "FROM exoplanet.epn_core",
192            "WHERE star_name = 'Kepler-107'",
193            "ORDER BY granule_uid"
194        ))
195    )
196    if tbl:
197        print(tbl.to_table().to_pandas())
198    else:
199        print("No results")
200    ```
201    """
202    tapService = pyvo.dal.TAPService(tapEndpoint)
203    logger.debug(f"ADQL query to execute: {adqlQuery}")
204    results = None
205    try:
206        results = tapService.search(adqlQuery)
207    except pyvo.dal.exceptions.DALQueryError as ex:
208        if tryToReExecuteOnFailure:
209            logger.warning(
210                " ".join((
211                    "The query failed, will try to execute again,",
212                    "but this time with escaped characters. Original",
213                    f"error message: {ex}"
214                ))
215            )
216            adqlQueryEscaped = escapeSpecialCharactersForAdql(adqlQuery)
217            logger.debug(f"Escaped ADQL query to execute: {adqlQueryEscaped}")
218            results = tapService.search(adqlQueryEscaped)
219        else:
220            raise
221    if results is not None and len(results) > 0:
222        logger.debug(f"Results: {len(results)}")
223        return results
224    else:
225        return None
228def getParametersThatAreDoubleInNASA() -> List[str]:
229    """
230    Get the list of parameters names in the NASA `ps` table that have
231    the `double` type. That is needed so you knew when to apply
232    `CAST(PARAMETER_NAME_HERE AS REAL)` in your `SELECT` statements
234    statements, otherwise NASA returns rounded values by default
235    (according to their `format` value in `tap_schema.columns`),
236    so you might not get the expected results.
238    Example:
240    ``` py
241    from phab.utils.databases import tap
243    doubles = tap.getParametersThatAreDoubleInNASA()
244    print(doubles)
245    ```
246    """
247    doubles: List[str] = list()
249    results = queryService(
250        getServiceEndpoint("nasa"),
251        " ".join((
252            f"SELECT column_name",
253            f"FROM tap_schema.columns",
254            f"WHERE table_name = 'ps' AND datatype = 'double'"
255        ))
256    )
257    if results:
258        doubles = list(results.getcolumn("column_name").flatten())
260    return doubles
263def getStellarParameterFromNASA(
264    systemName: str,
265    param: str,
266    parameterTypeIsDouble: bool = False
267) -> Optional[Any]:
268    """
269    Get the latest (*the newest*) published stellar parameter
270    from NASA database.
272    The `parameterTypeIsDouble` argument  is a workaround for the problem with
273    [inconsistent values](https://decovar.dev/blog/2022/02/26/astronomy-databases-tap-adql/#float-values-are-rounded-on-select-but-compared-to-originals-in-where)
274    in `SELECT`/`WHERE`.
276    Example:
278    ``` py
279    from phab.utils.databases import tap
281    doubles = tap.getParametersThatAreDoubleInNASA()
282    param = "st_teff"
283    val = tap.getStellarParameterFromNASA(
284        "Kepler-11",
285        param,
286        parameterTypeIsDouble=(param in doubles)
287    )
288    print(val)
289    ```
290    """
291    results = queryService(
292        getServiceEndpoint("nasa"),
293        " ".join((
294            # TOP is broken in NASA: https://decovar.dev/blog/2022/02/26/astronomy-databases-tap-adql/#top-clause-is-broken
295            (
296                f"SELECT {param}"
297                if not parameterTypeIsDouble else
298                f"SELECT CAST({param} AS REAL) AS {param}_real"
299            ),
300            f"FROM ps",
301            f"WHERE hostname = '{systemName}' AND {param} IS NOT NULL",
302            "ORDER BY pl_pubdate DESC"
303        ))
304    )
305    if results:
306        # logger.debug(f"All results for this parameter:\n{results}")
307        return (
308            results[0].get(param)
309            if not parameterTypeIsDouble else
310            results[0].get(f"{param}_real")
311        )
312    else:
313        return None
316def getPlanetaryParameterFromNASA(
317    planetName: str,
318    param: str,
319    parameterTypeIsDouble: bool = False
320) -> Optional[Any]:
321    """
322    Get the latest (*the newest*) published planetary parameter
323    from NASA database.
325    The `parameterTypeIsDouble` argument  is a workaround for the problem with
326    [inconsistent values](https://decovar.dev/blog/2022/02/26/astronomy-databases-tap-adql/#float-values-are-rounded-on-select-but-compared-to-originals-in-where)
327    in `SELECT`/`WHERE`.
329    Example:
331    ``` py
332    from phab.utils.databases import tap
334    doubles = tap.getParametersThatAreDoubleInNASA()
335    param = "pl_massj"
336    val = tap.getPlanetaryParameterFromNASA(
337        "Kepler-11 b",
338        param,
339        parameterTypeIsDouble=(param in doubles)
340    )
341    print(val)
342    ```
343    """
344    results = queryService(
345        getServiceEndpoint("nasa"),
346        " ".join((
347            # TOP is broken in NASA: https://decovar.dev/blog/2022/02/26/astronomy-databases-tap-adql/#top-clause-is-broken
348            (
349                f"SELECT {param}"
350                if not parameterTypeIsDouble else
351                f"SELECT CAST({param} AS REAL) AS {param}_real"
352            ),
353            f"FROM ps",
354            f"WHERE pl_name = '{planetName}' AND {param} IS NOT NULL",
355            "ORDER BY pl_pubdate DESC"
356        ))
357    )
358    if results:
359        # logger.debug(f"All results for this parameter:\n{results}")
360        return (
361            results[0].get(param)
362            if not parameterTypeIsDouble else
363            results[0].get(f"{param}_real")
364        )
365    else:
366        return None
369def getPlanetaryParameterReferenceFromNASA(
370    planetName: str,
371    paramName: str,
372    paramValue: int | float | str,
373    parameterTypeIsDouble: bool = False,
374    tryToReExecuteIfNoResults: bool = True,
375    returnOriginalReferenceOnFailureToExtract: bool = True
376) -> Optional[Any]:
377    """
378    Get the publication reference for the given planetary parameter value
379    from NASA database.
381    The `parameterTypeIsDouble` argument  is a workaround for the problem with
382    [inconsistent values](https://decovar.dev/blog/2022/02/26/astronomy-databases-tap-adql/#float-values-are-rounded-on-select-but-compared-to-originals-in-where)
383    in `SELECT`/`WHERE`.
385    Example:
387    ``` py
388    from phab.utils.databases import tap
390    doubles = tap.getParametersThatAreDoubleInNASA()
391    param = "pl_massj"
392    val = tap.getPlanetaryParameterReferenceFromNASA(
393        "KOI-4777.01",
394        param,
395        0.31212,
396        parameterTypeIsDouble=(param in doubles)
397    )
398    print(val)
399    ```
400    """
401    fullRefValue: Optional[str] = None
403    if tryToReExecuteIfNoResults and not parameterTypeIsDouble:
404        logger.warning(
405            " ".join((
406                "The re-execution flag is passed, but parameter type",
407                "is not double, so the query will not be re-executed"
408            ))
409        )
411    parameterIsString: bool = False
412    if isinstance(paramValue, str):
413        # logger.debug(f"The {paramName} value {paramValue} is a string")
414        parameterIsString = True
415    results = queryService(
416        getServiceEndpoint("nasa"),
417        " ".join((
418            f"SELECT pl_refname",  # TOP is broken in NASA: https://decovar.dev/blog/2022/02/26/astronomy-databases-tap-adql/#top-clause-is-broken
419            f"FROM ps",
420            f"WHERE pl_name = '{planetName}' AND {paramName}",
421            (
422                f"= {paramValue}"
423                if not parameterIsString else
424                f"= '{paramValue}'"
425            ),
426            "ORDER BY pl_pubdate DESC"
427        ))
428    )
429    if results:
430        # logger.debug(f"All results:\n{results}")
431        fullRefValue = results[0].get("pl_refname")
432    # might be because of that doubles precision problem, thank you, NASA
433    elif (
434        results is None
435        and
436        parameterTypeIsDouble
437        and
438        tryToReExecuteIfNoResults
439    ):
440        logger.warning(
441            " ".join((
442                "The query returned no results, will try to execute again,",
443                "but this time with the parameter casted from double to string"
444            ))
445        )
446        paramValueLength = len(str(paramValue))
447        paramValue = cast(float, paramValue)
448        paramValueString = conversion.floatToStringForADQLcastVarchar(
449            paramValue,
450            dropLeadingZero=True
451        )
452        results = queryService(
453            getServiceEndpoint("nasa"),
454            " ".join((
455                f"SELECT pl_refname",  # TOP is broken in NASA: https://decovar.dev/blog/2022/02/26/astronomy-databases-tap-adql/#top-clause-is-broken
456                f"FROM ps",
457                f"WHERE pl_name = '{planetName}'",
458                " ".join((
459                    f"AND CAST({paramName} AS VARCHAR({paramValueLength}))",
460                    f"LIKE '{paramValueString}'"
461                )),
462                "ORDER BY pl_pubdate DESC"
463            ))
464        )
465        if results:
466            # logger.debug(f"All results:\n{results}")
467            fullRefValue = results[0].get("pl_refname")
468    else:
469        return None
471    if fullRefValue is not None:
472        ref = extraction.adsRefFromFullReferenceNASA(fullRefValue)
473        if ref is None and returnOriginalReferenceOnFailureToExtract:
474            return fullRefValue
475        return ref
476    else:
477        return None
480def getParameterFromNASA(
481    systemName: str,
482    planetName: str,
483    param: str,
484    parameterTypeIsDouble: bool = False
485) -> Optional[Any]:
486    """
487    Get the latest (*the newest*) published parameter from NASA database.
488    The parameter kind (*stellar or planetary*) is determined
489    based on the `utils.databases.tap.mappings` list. This might be
490    convenient when one only has a list of parameters names
491    without specifying which one is of which kind.
493    The `parameterTypeIsDouble` argument  is a workaround for the problem with
494    [inconsistent values](https://decovar.dev/blog/2022/02/26/astronomy-databases-tap-adql/#float-values-are-rounded-on-select-but-compared-to-originals-in-where)
495    in `SELECT`/`WHERE`.
497    Example:
499    ``` py
500    from phab.utils.databases import tap
502    systemName = "Kepler-11"
503    planetName = "Kepler-11 b"
504    params = ["st_teff", "pl_massj"]
505    doubles = tap.getParametersThatAreDoubleInNASA()
506    for p in params:
507        val = tap.getParameterFromNASA(
508            systemName,
509            planetName,
510            p,
511            parameterTypeIsDouble=(p in doubles)
512        )
513        print(val)
514    ```
515    """
516    result = None
517    if param in mappings["NASA-to-PADC"]["stars"]:  # get stellar parameter
518        result = getStellarParameterFromNASA(
519            systemName,
520            param,
521            parameterTypeIsDouble
522        )
523    else:  # get planetary parameter
524        result = getPlanetaryParameterFromNASA(
525            planetName,
526            param,
527            parameterTypeIsDouble
528        )
529    return result
532def getParameterErrorsFromNASA(
533    systemName: str,
534    planetName: str,
535    param: str
536) -> Tuple[Optional[float], Optional[float]]:
537    """
538    Get the latest (*the newest*) published stellar or planetary
539    parameter errors from NASA database. This is a convenience function
540    that uses `utils.databases.tap.getParameterFromNASA`
541    to get `PARAMerr2` (*minimum error*) and `PARAMerr1` (*maximum error*).
543    Example:
545    ``` py
546    from phab.utils.databases import tap
548    systemName = "Kepler-11"
549    planetName = "Kepler-11 b"
550    params = ["st_teff", "pl_massj"]
551    for p in params:
552        errMin, errMax = tap.getParameterErrorsFromNASA(
553            systemName,
554            planetName,
555            p
556        )
557        print(errMin, errMax)
558    ```
559    """
560    errMin = getParameterFromNASA(systemName, planetName, f"{param}err2")
561    errMax = getParameterFromNASA(systemName, planetName, f"{param}err1")
562    return errMin, errMax
565def getParameterFromPADC(
566    planetName: str,
567    param: str
568) -> Optional[Any]:
569    """
570    Get stellar or planetary parameter from PADC database.
572    Example:
574    ``` py
575    from phab.utils.databases import tap
577    val = tap.getParameterFromPADC("Kepler-11 b", "mass")
578    print(val)
579    ```
580    """
581    results = queryService(
582        getServiceEndpoint("padc"),
583        " ".join((
584            f"SELECT {param}",
585            f"FROM exoplanet.epn_core",
586            f"WHERE granule_uid = '{planetName}' AND {param} IS NOT NULL"
587        ))
588    )
589    if results:
590        return results[0].get(param)
591    else:
592        return None
595def getParameterErrorsFromPADC(
596    planetName: str,
597    param: str
598) -> Tuple[Optional[float], Optional[float]]:
599    """
600    Get stellar or planetary parameter errors from PADC database.
601    This is a convenience function that uses
602    `utils.databases.tap.getParameterFromPADC` to get `PARAM_error_min`
603    and `PARAM_error_max`.
605    Example:
607    ``` py
608    from phab.utils.databases import tap
610    errMin, errMax = tap.getParameterErrorsFromPADC("Kepler-11 b", "mass")
611    print(errMin, errMax)
612    ```
613    """
614    errMin = getParameterFromPADC(planetName, f"{param}_error_min")
615    errMax = getParameterFromPADC(planetName, f"{param}_error_max")
616    return errMin, errMax
619def getStellarParameterFromSimbadByMainID(
620    mainID: str,
621    table: str,
622    param: str,
623) -> Optional[tuple[Any, str]]:
624    """
625    Get the latest (*the newest*) published stellar parameter from SIMBAD
626    by using the main ID - star name that is chosen to be stored in `main_id`
627    field of the `basic` table.
629    Example:
631    ``` py
632    from phab.utils.databases import tap
634    val, ref = tap.getStellarParameterFromSimbadByMainID(
635        "CD-29 2360",
636        "mesVar",
637        "period"
638    )
639    print(f"Value: {val}, reference: {ref}")
640    ```
641    """
642    results = queryService(
643        getServiceEndpoint("simbad"),
644        " ".join((
645            f"SELECT TOP 1 v.{param}, v.bibcode",
646            f"FROM {table} AS v",
647            "JOIN basic AS b ON v.oidref = b.oid",
648            f"WHERE b.main_id = '{mainID}' AND {param} IS NOT NULL",
649            "ORDER BY bibcode DESC"
650        ))
651    )
652    if results:
653        return (
654            results[0].get(param),
655            results[0].get("bibcode")
656        )
657    else:
658        return None
661def getStellarParameterFromSimbadByObjectID(
662    objectID: int,
663    table: str,
664    param: str
665) -> Optional[tuple[Any, str]]:
666    """
667    Get the latest (*the newest*) published stellar parameter from SIMBAD
668    by using the SIMBAD's object ID.
670    If you only have the star name, then first you will need to find
671    the object ID with `utils.databases.simbad.getObjectID`.
673    Example:
675    ``` py
676    from phab.utils.databases import simbad
677    from phab.utils.databases import tap
679    oid = simbad.getObjectID("PPM 725297")
680    if not oid:
681        print("Could not find SIMBAD object ID")
682    else:
683        val, ref = tap.getStellarParameterFromSimbadByObjectID(
684            oid,
685            "mesVar",
686            "period"
687        )
688        print(f"Value: {val}, reference: {ref}")
689    ```
691    There is also a convenience function `utils.databases.simbad.getStellarParameter`.
692    """
693    results = queryService(
694        getServiceEndpoint("simbad"),
695        " ".join((
696            f"SELECT TOP 1 {param}, bibcode",
697            f"FROM {table}",
698            f"WHERE oidref = {objectID} AND {param} IS NOT NULL",
699            "ORDER BY bibcode DESC"
700        ))
701    )
702    if results:
703        return (
704            results[0].get(param),
705            results[0].get("bibcode")
706        )
707    else:
708        return None
services: Dict[str, Dict] = {'nasa': {'endpoint': 'https://exoplanetarchive.ipac.caltech.edu/TAP', 'parameters-that-are-strings': ['st_metratio', 'st_spectype'], 'parameters-that-have-errors': ['period', 'pl_massj', 'pl_orbper', 'pl_orbsmax', 'pl_radj', 'semi_major_axis'], 'drops-leading-zero-on-cast-to-varchar': True}, 'padc': {'endpoint': 'http://voparis-tap-planeto.obspm.fr/tap', 'drops-leading-zero-on-cast-to-varchar': False}, 'gaia': {'endpoint': 'https://gea.esac.esa.int/tap-server/tap', 'drops-leading-zero-on-cast-to-varchar': False}, 'simbad': {'endpoint': 'http://simbad.cds.unistra.fr/simbad/sim-tap/sync'}}

Dictionary of the most common TAP services.

mappings: Dict[str, Dict] = {'NASA-to-PADC': {'planets': {'ima_flag': 'ima_flag', 'pl_massj': 'mass', 'pl_massjerr1': 'mass_error_max', 'pl_massjerr2': 'mass_error_min', 'pl_massjlim': 'pl_massjlim', 'pl_name': 'granule_uid', 'pl_orbeccen': 'eccentricity', 'pl_orbincl': 'inclination', 'pl_orbper': 'period', 'pl_orbpererr1': 'period_error_max', 'pl_orbpererr2': 'period_error_min', 'pl_orbperlim': 'pl_orbperlim', 'pl_orbsmax': 'semi_major_axis', 'pl_orbsmaxerr1': 'semi_major_axis_error_max', 'pl_orbsmaxerr2': 'semi_major_axis_error_min', 'pl_orbsmaxlim': 'pl_orbsmaxlim', 'pl_radj': 'radius', 'pl_radjerr1': 'radius_error_max', 'pl_radjerr2': 'radius_error_min', 'pl_radjlim': 'pl_radjlim', 'rv_flag': 'rv_flag', 'tran_flag': 'tran_flag', 'ttv_flag': 'ttv_flag'}, 'stars': {'cb_flag': 'cb_flag', 'hostname': 'star_name', 'ra': 'ra', 'st_age': 'star_age', 'st_lum': 'st_lum', 'st_mass': 'star_mass', 'st_met': 'star_metallicity', 'st_metratio': 'st_metratio', 'st_rad': 'star_radius', 'st_rotp': 'st_rotp', 'st_spectype': 'star_spec_type', 'st_teff': 'star_teff', 'sy_dist': 'sy_dist', 'sy_pnum': 'sy_pnum', 'sy_snum': 'sy_snum'}}}

Mapping tables columns between different databases.

def getServiceEndpoint(tapServiceName: str) -> str:
117def getServiceEndpoint(tapServiceName: str) -> str:
118    """
119    Get TAP service endpoint by the service/database name.
121    Example:
123    ``` py
124    from phab.utils.databases import tap
126    tapServiceEndpoint = tap.getServiceEndpoint("padc")
127    print(tapServiceEndpoint)
128    ```
129    """
130    tapService = services.get(tapServiceName)
131    if tapService:
132        tapServiceEndpoint = tapService.get("endpoint")
133        if tapServiceEndpoint:
134            return tapServiceEndpoint
135        else:
136            raise ValueError(
137                f"The [{tapServiceName}] service has no registered endpoint"
138            )
139    else:
140        raise ValueError(
141            f"There is no TAP service under the name [{tapServiceName}]"
142        )

Get TAP service endpoint by the service/database name.


from phab.utils.databases import tap

tapServiceEndpoint = tap.getServiceEndpoint("padc")
def escapeSpecialCharactersForAdql(rawQuery: str) -> str:
145def escapeSpecialCharactersForAdql(rawQuery: str) -> str:
146    """
147    Escape certain special characters in ADQL query. For now only escapes
148    a single quote character.
150    Example:
152    ``` py
153    from phab.utils.databases import tap
155    rawQuery = " ".join((
156        "SELECT oid FROM basic",
157        "WHERE main_id = 'NAME Teegarden's Star'",
158        "AND main_id != 'someone else's star'"
159    ))
160    print(rawQuery)
161    escapedQuery = tap.escapeSpecialCharactersForAdql(rawQuery)
162    print(escapedQuery)
163    ```
164    """
165    escapedQuery: str = re.sub(
166        r"('([^']*)(')([^']*)')",
167        r"'\g<2>'\g<3>\g<4>'",
168        rawQuery
169    )
170    return escapedQuery

Escape certain special characters in ADQL query. For now only escapes a single quote character.


from phab.utils.databases import tap

rawQuery = " ".join((
    "SELECT oid FROM basic",
    "WHERE main_id = 'NAME Teegarden's Star'",
    "AND main_id != 'someone else's star'"
escapedQuery = tap.escapeSpecialCharactersForAdql(rawQuery)
def queryService( tapEndpoint: str, adqlQuery: str, tryToReExecuteOnFailure: bool = True) -> Optional[pyvo.dal.tap.TAPResults]:
173def queryService(
174    tapEndpoint: str,
175    adqlQuery: str,
176    tryToReExecuteOnFailure: bool = True
177) -> Optional[pyvo.dal.tap.TAPResults]:
178    """
179    Send [ADQL](https://ivoa.net/documents/ADQL/) request to the TAP service
180    and return results. Those can be then converted to
181    a [Pandas](https://pandas.pydata.org) table.
183    Example:
185    ``` py
186    from phab.utils.databases import tap
188    tbl = tap.queryService(
189        tap.getServiceEndpoint("padc"),
190        " ".join((
191            "SELECT star_name, granule_uid, mass, radius, period, semi_major_axis",
192            "FROM exoplanet.epn_core",
193            "WHERE star_name = 'Kepler-107'",
194            "ORDER BY granule_uid"
195        ))
196    )
197    if tbl:
198        print(tbl.to_table().to_pandas())
199    else:
200        print("No results")
201    ```
202    """
203    tapService = pyvo.dal.TAPService(tapEndpoint)
204    logger.debug(f"ADQL query to execute: {adqlQuery}")
205    results = None
206    try:
207        results = tapService.search(adqlQuery)
208    except pyvo.dal.exceptions.DALQueryError as ex:
209        if tryToReExecuteOnFailure:
210            logger.warning(
211                " ".join((
212                    "The query failed, will try to execute again,",
213                    "but this time with escaped characters. Original",
214                    f"error message: {ex}"
215                ))
216            )
217            adqlQueryEscaped = escapeSpecialCharactersForAdql(adqlQuery)
218            logger.debug(f"Escaped ADQL query to execute: {adqlQueryEscaped}")
219            results = tapService.search(adqlQueryEscaped)
220        else:
221            raise
222    if results is not None and len(results) > 0:
223        logger.debug(f"Results: {len(results)}")
224        return results
225    else:
226        return None

Send ADQL request to the TAP service and return results. Those can be then converted to a Pandas table.


from phab.utils.databases import tap

tbl = tap.queryService(
    " ".join((
        "SELECT star_name, granule_uid, mass, radius, period, semi_major_axis",
        "FROM exoplanet.epn_core",
        "WHERE star_name = 'Kepler-107'",
        "ORDER BY granule_uid"
if tbl:
    print("No results")
def getParametersThatAreDoubleInNASA() -> List[str]:
229def getParametersThatAreDoubleInNASA() -> List[str]:
230    """
231    Get the list of parameters names in the NASA `ps` table that have
232    the `double` type. That is needed so you knew when to apply
233    `CAST(PARAMETER_NAME_HERE AS REAL)` in your `SELECT` statements
235    statements, otherwise NASA returns rounded values by default
236    (according to their `format` value in `tap_schema.columns`),
237    so you might not get the expected results.
239    Example:
241    ``` py
242    from phab.utils.databases import tap
244    doubles = tap.getParametersThatAreDoubleInNASA()
245    print(doubles)
246    ```
247    """
248    doubles: List[str] = list()
250    results = queryService(
251        getServiceEndpoint("nasa"),
252        " ".join((
253            f"SELECT column_name",
254            f"FROM tap_schema.columns",
255            f"WHERE table_name = 'ps' AND datatype = 'double'"
256        ))
257    )
258    if results:
259        doubles = list(results.getcolumn("column_name").flatten())
261    return doubles

Get the list of parameters names in the NASA ps table that have the double type. That is needed so you knew when to apply CAST(PARAMETER_NAME_HERE AS REAL) in your SELECT statements or CAST(PARAMETER_NAME_HERE AS VARCHAR(30)) in your WHERE statements, otherwise NASA returns rounded values by default (according to their format value in tap_schema.columns), so you might not get the expected results.


from phab.utils.databases import tap

doubles = tap.getParametersThatAreDoubleInNASA()
def getStellarParameterFromNASA( systemName: str, param: str, parameterTypeIsDouble: bool = False) -> Optional[Any]:
264def getStellarParameterFromNASA(
265    systemName: str,
266    param: str,
267    parameterTypeIsDouble: bool = False
268) -> Optional[Any]:
269    """
270    Get the latest (*the newest*) published stellar parameter
271    from NASA database.
273    The `parameterTypeIsDouble` argument  is a workaround for the problem with
274    [inconsistent values](https://decovar.dev/blog/2022/02/26/astronomy-databases-tap-adql/#float-values-are-rounded-on-select-but-compared-to-originals-in-where)
275    in `SELECT`/`WHERE`.
277    Example:
279    ``` py
280    from phab.utils.databases import tap
282    doubles = tap.getParametersThatAreDoubleInNASA()
283    param = "st_teff"
284    val = tap.getStellarParameterFromNASA(
285        "Kepler-11",
286        param,
287        parameterTypeIsDouble=(param in doubles)
288    )
289    print(val)
290    ```
291    """
292    results = queryService(
293        getServiceEndpoint("nasa"),
294        " ".join((
295            # TOP is broken in NASA: https://decovar.dev/blog/2022/02/26/astronomy-databases-tap-adql/#top-clause-is-broken
296            (
297                f"SELECT {param}"
298                if not parameterTypeIsDouble else
299                f"SELECT CAST({param} AS REAL) AS {param}_real"
300            ),
301            f"FROM ps",
302            f"WHERE hostname = '{systemName}' AND {param} IS NOT NULL",
303            "ORDER BY pl_pubdate DESC"
304        ))
305    )
306    if results:
307        # logger.debug(f"All results for this parameter:\n{results}")
308        return (
309            results[0].get(param)
310            if not parameterTypeIsDouble else
311            results[0].get(f"{param}_real")
312        )
313    else:
314        return None

Get the latest (the newest) published stellar parameter from NASA database.

The parameterTypeIsDouble argument is a workaround for the problem with inconsistent values in SELECT/WHERE.


from phab.utils.databases import tap

doubles = tap.getParametersThatAreDoubleInNASA()
param = "st_teff"
val = tap.getStellarParameterFromNASA(
    parameterTypeIsDouble=(param in doubles)
def getPlanetaryParameterFromNASA( planetName: str, param: str, parameterTypeIsDouble: bool = False) -> Optional[Any]:
317def getPlanetaryParameterFromNASA(
318    planetName: str,
319    param: str,
320    parameterTypeIsDouble: bool = False
321) -> Optional[Any]:
322    """
323    Get the latest (*the newest*) published planetary parameter
324    from NASA database.
326    The `parameterTypeIsDouble` argument  is a workaround for the problem with
327    [inconsistent values](https://decovar.dev/blog/2022/02/26/astronomy-databases-tap-adql/#float-values-are-rounded-on-select-but-compared-to-originals-in-where)
328    in `SELECT`/`WHERE`.
330    Example:
332    ``` py
333    from phab.utils.databases import tap
335    doubles = tap.getParametersThatAreDoubleInNASA()
336    param = "pl_massj"
337    val = tap.getPlanetaryParameterFromNASA(
338        "Kepler-11 b",
339        param,
340        parameterTypeIsDouble=(param in doubles)
341    )
342    print(val)
343    ```
344    """
345    results = queryService(
346        getServiceEndpoint("nasa"),
347        " ".join((
348            # TOP is broken in NASA: https://decovar.dev/blog/2022/02/26/astronomy-databases-tap-adql/#top-clause-is-broken
349            (
350                f"SELECT {param}"
351                if not parameterTypeIsDouble else
352                f"SELECT CAST({param} AS REAL) AS {param}_real"
353            ),
354            f"FROM ps",
355            f"WHERE pl_name = '{planetName}' AND {param} IS NOT NULL",
356            "ORDER BY pl_pubdate DESC"
357        ))
358    )
359    if results:
360        # logger.debug(f"All results for this parameter:\n{results}")
361        return (
362            results[0].get(param)
363            if not parameterTypeIsDouble else
364            results[0].get(f"{param}_real")
365        )
366    else:
367        return None

Get the latest (the newest) published planetary parameter from NASA database.

The parameterTypeIsDouble argument is a workaround for the problem with inconsistent values in SELECT/WHERE.


from phab.utils.databases import tap

doubles = tap.getParametersThatAreDoubleInNASA()
param = "pl_massj"
val = tap.getPlanetaryParameterFromNASA(
    "Kepler-11 b",
    parameterTypeIsDouble=(param in doubles)
def getPlanetaryParameterReferenceFromNASA( planetName: str, paramName: str, paramValue: int | float | str, parameterTypeIsDouble: bool = False, tryToReExecuteIfNoResults: bool = True, returnOriginalReferenceOnFailureToExtract: bool = True) -> Optional[Any]:
370def getPlanetaryParameterReferenceFromNASA(
371    planetName: str,
372    paramName: str,
373    paramValue: int | float | str,
374    parameterTypeIsDouble: bool = False,
375    tryToReExecuteIfNoResults: bool = True,
376    returnOriginalReferenceOnFailureToExtract: bool = True
377) -> Optional[Any]:
378    """
379    Get the publication reference for the given planetary parameter value
380    from NASA database.
382    The `parameterTypeIsDouble` argument  is a workaround for the problem with
383    [inconsistent values](https://decovar.dev/blog/2022/02/26/astronomy-databases-tap-adql/#float-values-are-rounded-on-select-but-compared-to-originals-in-where)
384    in `SELECT`/`WHERE`.
386    Example:
388    ``` py
389    from phab.utils.databases import tap
391    doubles = tap.getParametersThatAreDoubleInNASA()
392    param = "pl_massj"
393    val = tap.getPlanetaryParameterReferenceFromNASA(
394        "KOI-4777.01",
395        param,
396        0.31212,
397        parameterTypeIsDouble=(param in doubles)
398    )
399    print(val)
400    ```
401    """
402    fullRefValue: Optional[str] = None
404    if tryToReExecuteIfNoResults and not parameterTypeIsDouble:
405        logger.warning(
406            " ".join((
407                "The re-execution flag is passed, but parameter type",
408                "is not double, so the query will not be re-executed"
409            ))
410        )
412    parameterIsString: bool = False
413    if isinstance(paramValue, str):
414        # logger.debug(f"The {paramName} value {paramValue} is a string")
415        parameterIsString = True
416    results = queryService(
417        getServiceEndpoint("nasa"),
418        " ".join((
419            f"SELECT pl_refname",  # TOP is broken in NASA: https://decovar.dev/blog/2022/02/26/astronomy-databases-tap-adql/#top-clause-is-broken
420            f"FROM ps",
421            f"WHERE pl_name = '{planetName}' AND {paramName}",
422            (
423                f"= {paramValue}"
424                if not parameterIsString else
425                f"= '{paramValue}'"
426            ),
427            "ORDER BY pl_pubdate DESC"
428        ))
429    )
430    if results:
431        # logger.debug(f"All results:\n{results}")
432        fullRefValue = results[0].get("pl_refname")
433    # might be because of that doubles precision problem, thank you, NASA
434    elif (
435        results is None
436        and
437        parameterTypeIsDouble
438        and
439        tryToReExecuteIfNoResults
440    ):
441        logger.warning(
442            " ".join((
443                "The query returned no results, will try to execute again,",
444                "but this time with the parameter casted from double to string"
445            ))
446        )
447        paramValueLength = len(str(paramValue))
448        paramValue = cast(float, paramValue)
449        paramValueString = conversion.floatToStringForADQLcastVarchar(
450            paramValue,
451            dropLeadingZero=True
452        )
453        results = queryService(
454            getServiceEndpoint("nasa"),
455            " ".join((
456                f"SELECT pl_refname",  # TOP is broken in NASA: https://decovar.dev/blog/2022/02/26/astronomy-databases-tap-adql/#top-clause-is-broken
457                f"FROM ps",
458                f"WHERE pl_name = '{planetName}'",
459                " ".join((
460                    f"AND CAST({paramName} AS VARCHAR({paramValueLength}))",
461                    f"LIKE '{paramValueString}'"
462                )),
463                "ORDER BY pl_pubdate DESC"
464            ))
465        )
466        if results:
467            # logger.debug(f"All results:\n{results}")
468            fullRefValue = results[0].get("pl_refname")
469    else:
470        return None
472    if fullRefValue is not None:
473        ref = extraction.adsRefFromFullReferenceNASA(fullRefValue)
474        if ref is None and returnOriginalReferenceOnFailureToExtract:
475            return fullRefValue
476        return ref
477    else:
478        return None

Get the publication reference for the given planetary parameter value from NASA database.

The parameterTypeIsDouble argument is a workaround for the problem with inconsistent values in SELECT/WHERE.


from phab.utils.databases import tap

doubles = tap.getParametersThatAreDoubleInNASA()
param = "pl_massj"
val = tap.getPlanetaryParameterReferenceFromNASA(
    parameterTypeIsDouble=(param in doubles)
def getParameterFromNASA( systemName: str, planetName: str, param: str, parameterTypeIsDouble: bool = False) -> Optional[Any]:
481def getParameterFromNASA(
482    systemName: str,
483    planetName: str,
484    param: str,
485    parameterTypeIsDouble: bool = False
486) -> Optional[Any]:
487    """
488    Get the latest (*the newest*) published parameter from NASA database.
489    The parameter kind (*stellar or planetary*) is determined
490    based on the `utils.databases.tap.mappings` list. This might be
491    convenient when one only has a list of parameters names
492    without specifying which one is of which kind.
494    The `parameterTypeIsDouble` argument  is a workaround for the problem with
495    [inconsistent values](https://decovar.dev/blog/2022/02/26/astronomy-databases-tap-adql/#float-values-are-rounded-on-select-but-compared-to-originals-in-where)
496    in `SELECT`/`WHERE`.
498    Example:
500    ``` py
501    from phab.utils.databases import tap
503    systemName = "Kepler-11"
504    planetName = "Kepler-11 b"
505    params = ["st_teff", "pl_massj"]
506    doubles = tap.getParametersThatAreDoubleInNASA()
507    for p in params:
508        val = tap.getParameterFromNASA(
509            systemName,
510            planetName,
511            p,
512            parameterTypeIsDouble=(p in doubles)
513        )
514        print(val)
515    ```
516    """
517    result = None
518    if param in mappings["NASA-to-PADC"]["stars"]:  # get stellar parameter
519        result = getStellarParameterFromNASA(
520            systemName,
521            param,
522            parameterTypeIsDouble
523        )
524    else:  # get planetary parameter
525        result = getPlanetaryParameterFromNASA(
526            planetName,
527            param,
528            parameterTypeIsDouble
529        )
530    return result

Get the latest (the newest) published parameter from NASA database. The parameter kind (stellar or planetary) is determined based on the utils.databases.tap.mappings list. This might be convenient when one only has a list of parameters names without specifying which one is of which kind.

The parameterTypeIsDouble argument is a workaround for the problem with inconsistent values in SELECT/WHERE.


from phab.utils.databases import tap

systemName = "Kepler-11"
planetName = "Kepler-11 b"
params = ["st_teff", "pl_massj"]
doubles = tap.getParametersThatAreDoubleInNASA()
for p in params:
    val = tap.getParameterFromNASA(
        parameterTypeIsDouble=(p in doubles)
def getParameterErrorsFromNASA( systemName: str, planetName: str, param: str) -> Tuple[Optional[float], Optional[float]]:
533def getParameterErrorsFromNASA(
534    systemName: str,
535    planetName: str,
536    param: str
537) -> Tuple[Optional[float], Optional[float]]:
538    """
539    Get the latest (*the newest*) published stellar or planetary
540    parameter errors from NASA database. This is a convenience function
541    that uses `utils.databases.tap.getParameterFromNASA`
542    to get `PARAMerr2` (*minimum error*) and `PARAMerr1` (*maximum error*).
544    Example:
546    ``` py
547    from phab.utils.databases import tap
549    systemName = "Kepler-11"
550    planetName = "Kepler-11 b"
551    params = ["st_teff", "pl_massj"]
552    for p in params:
553        errMin, errMax = tap.getParameterErrorsFromNASA(
554            systemName,
555            planetName,
556            p
557        )
558        print(errMin, errMax)
559    ```
560    """
561    errMin = getParameterFromNASA(systemName, planetName, f"{param}err2")
562    errMax = getParameterFromNASA(systemName, planetName, f"{param}err1")
563    return errMin, errMax

Get the latest (the newest) published stellar or planetary parameter errors from NASA database. This is a convenience function that uses utils.databases.tap.getParameterFromNASA to get PARAMerr2 (minimum error) and PARAMerr1 (maximum error).


from phab.utils.databases import tap

systemName = "Kepler-11"
planetName = "Kepler-11 b"
params = ["st_teff", "pl_massj"]
for p in params:
    errMin, errMax = tap.getParameterErrorsFromNASA(
    print(errMin, errMax)
def getParameterFromPADC(planetName: str, param: str) -> Optional[Any]:
566def getParameterFromPADC(
567    planetName: str,
568    param: str
569) -> Optional[Any]:
570    """
571    Get stellar or planetary parameter from PADC database.
573    Example:
575    ``` py
576    from phab.utils.databases import tap
578    val = tap.getParameterFromPADC("Kepler-11 b", "mass")
579    print(val)
580    ```
581    """
582    results = queryService(
583        getServiceEndpoint("padc"),
584        " ".join((
585            f"SELECT {param}",
586            f"FROM exoplanet.epn_core",
587            f"WHERE granule_uid = '{planetName}' AND {param} IS NOT NULL"
588        ))
589    )
590    if results:
591        return results[0].get(param)
592    else:
593        return None

Get stellar or planetary parameter from PADC database.


from phab.utils.databases import tap

val = tap.getParameterFromPADC("Kepler-11 b", "mass")
def getParameterErrorsFromPADC(planetName: str, param: str) -> Tuple[Optional[float], Optional[float]]:
596def getParameterErrorsFromPADC(
597    planetName: str,
598    param: str
599) -> Tuple[Optional[float], Optional[float]]:
600    """
601    Get stellar or planetary parameter errors from PADC database.
602    This is a convenience function that uses
603    `utils.databases.tap.getParameterFromPADC` to get `PARAM_error_min`
604    and `PARAM_error_max`.
606    Example:
608    ``` py
609    from phab.utils.databases import tap
611    errMin, errMax = tap.getParameterErrorsFromPADC("Kepler-11 b", "mass")
612    print(errMin, errMax)
613    ```
614    """
615    errMin = getParameterFromPADC(planetName, f"{param}_error_min")
616    errMax = getParameterFromPADC(planetName, f"{param}_error_max")
617    return errMin, errMax

Get stellar or planetary parameter errors from PADC database. This is a convenience function that uses utils.databases.tap.getParameterFromPADC to get PARAM_error_min and PARAM_error_max.


from phab.utils.databases import tap

errMin, errMax = tap.getParameterErrorsFromPADC("Kepler-11 b", "mass")
print(errMin, errMax)
def getStellarParameterFromSimbadByMainID(mainID: str, table: str, param: str) -> Optional[tuple[Any, str]]:
620def getStellarParameterFromSimbadByMainID(
621    mainID: str,
622    table: str,
623    param: str,
624) -> Optional[tuple[Any, str]]:
625    """
626    Get the latest (*the newest*) published stellar parameter from SIMBAD
627    by using the main ID - star name that is chosen to be stored in `main_id`
628    field of the `basic` table.
630    Example:
632    ``` py
633    from phab.utils.databases import tap
635    val, ref = tap.getStellarParameterFromSimbadByMainID(
636        "CD-29 2360",
637        "mesVar",
638        "period"
639    )
640    print(f"Value: {val}, reference: {ref}")
641    ```
642    """
643    results = queryService(
644        getServiceEndpoint("simbad"),
645        " ".join((
646            f"SELECT TOP 1 v.{param}, v.bibcode",
647            f"FROM {table} AS v",
648            "JOIN basic AS b ON v.oidref = b.oid",
649            f"WHERE b.main_id = '{mainID}' AND {param} IS NOT NULL",
650            "ORDER BY bibcode DESC"
651        ))
652    )
653    if results:
654        return (
655            results[0].get(param),
656            results[0].get("bibcode")
657        )
658    else:
659        return None

Get the latest (the newest) published stellar parameter from SIMBAD by using the main ID - star name that is chosen to be stored in main_id field of the basic table.


from phab.utils.databases import tap

val, ref = tap.getStellarParameterFromSimbadByMainID(
    "CD-29 2360",
print(f"Value: {val}, reference: {ref}")
def getStellarParameterFromSimbadByObjectID(objectID: int, table: str, param: str) -> Optional[tuple[Any, str]]:
662def getStellarParameterFromSimbadByObjectID(
663    objectID: int,
664    table: str,
665    param: str
666) -> Optional[tuple[Any, str]]:
667    """
668    Get the latest (*the newest*) published stellar parameter from SIMBAD
669    by using the SIMBAD's object ID.
671    If you only have the star name, then first you will need to find
672    the object ID with `utils.databases.simbad.getObjectID`.
674    Example:
676    ``` py
677    from phab.utils.databases import simbad
678    from phab.utils.databases import tap
680    oid = simbad.getObjectID("PPM 725297")
681    if not oid:
682        print("Could not find SIMBAD object ID")
683    else:
684        val, ref = tap.getStellarParameterFromSimbadByObjectID(
685            oid,
686            "mesVar",
687            "period"
688        )
689        print(f"Value: {val}, reference: {ref}")
690    ```
692    There is also a convenience function `utils.databases.simbad.getStellarParameter`.
693    """
694    results = queryService(
695        getServiceEndpoint("simbad"),
696        " ".join((
697            f"SELECT TOP 1 {param}, bibcode",
698            f"FROM {table}",
699            f"WHERE oidref = {objectID} AND {param} IS NOT NULL",
700            "ORDER BY bibcode DESC"
701        ))
702    )
703    if results:
704        return (
705            results[0].get(param),
706            results[0].get("bibcode")
707        )
708    else:
709        return None

Get the latest (the newest) published stellar parameter from SIMBAD by using the SIMBAD's object ID.

If you only have the star name, then first you will need to find the object ID with utils.databases.simbad.getObjectID.


from phab.utils.databases import simbad
from phab.utils.databases import tap

oid = simbad.getObjectID("PPM 725297")
if not oid:
    print("Could not find SIMBAD object ID")
    val, ref = tap.getStellarParameterFromSimbadByObjectID(
    print(f"Value: {val}, reference: {ref}")

There is also a convenience function utils.databases.simbad.getStellarParameter.