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Getting light curves data.

  2Getting light curves data.
  5import lightkurve
  6import pandas
  7import re
  9from typing import Optional, Dict, List, Pattern
 11from ..logs.log import logger
 13# apparently, one cannot set long/short threshold,
 14# hence this dictionary
 16# there are actually more authors available,
 17# but we are only interested in these
 19authors: Dict[str, Dict] = {
 20    "Kepler":
 21    {
 22        "mission": "Kepler",
 23        "cadence":
 24        {
 25            "long": [1800],
 26            "short": [60]
 27        }
 28    },
 29    "K2":
 30    {
 31        "mission": "K2",
 32        "cadence":
 33        {
 34            "long": [1800],
 35            "short": [60]
 36        }
 37    },
 38    "SPOC":
 39    {
 40        "mission": "TESS",
 41        "cadence":
 42        {
 43            "long": [600],
 44            "short": [120],
 45            "fast": [20]
 46        }
 47    },
 48    "TESS-SPOC":
 49    {
 50        "mission": "TESS",
 51        "cadence":
 52        {
 53            "long": []  # any cadence is long
 54        }
 55    }
 58Dictionary of authors, their cadence values and mapping to missions.
 61missionSectorRegExes: Dict[str, Pattern] = {
 62    "Kepler": re.compile(
 63        r"^Kepler\s\w+\s(\d+)$"  # Kepler Quarter 15
 64    ),
 65    "K2": re.compile(
 66        r"^K2\s\w+\s(\d+)$"  # K2 Campaign 12
 67    ),
 68    "TESS": re.compile(
 69        r"^TESS\s\w+\s(\d+)$"  # TESS Sector 40
 70    )
 73Dictionary of regular expressions for extracting sectors.
 77def getLightCurveStats(
 78    starName: str,
 79    detailed: bool = True
 80) -> Dict[str, Dict]:
 81    """
 82    Gather statistics about available cadence values for a given star.
 84    If `detailed` is set to `False`, then function will skip collecting
 85    cadence values count by sectors, so resulting statistics will only
 86    contain total count of values.
 88    Example:
 90    ``` py
 91    from phab.utils.databases import lightcurves
 93    stats = lightcurves.getLightCurveStats("Kepler-114")
 94    if not stats:
 95        print("Didn't find any results for this star")
 96    else:
 97        missionName = "Kepler"
 98        cadenceType = "long"
 99        sectors = stats.get(
100            missionName,
101            {}
102        ).get(cadenceType)
103        if sectors is None:
104            print(
105                " ".join((
106                    "There doesn't seem to be any sectors",
107                    f"with [{cadenceType}] cadence by [{missionName}]"
108                ))
109            )
110        else:
111            totalProperty = "total"
112            sectorsCount = sectors.get(totalProperty)
113            if sectorsCount is None:
114                print(
115                    " ".join((
116                        f"For some reason, the [{totalProperty}] property",
117                        f"is missing from the [{cadenceType}] cadence",
118                        f"collection by [{missionName}]"
119                    ))
120                )
121            else:
122                print(
123                    " ".join((
124                        f"Total amount of sectors with [{cadenceType}]",
125                        f"cadence by [{missionName}]: {sectorsCount}",
126                    ))
127                )
128                bySectors = sectors.get("by-sectors")
129                if bySectors is None:
130                    print(
131                        " ".join((
132                            "For some reason, the [total] property is missing",
133                            f"from the [{cadenceType}] cadence collection",
134                            f"by [{missionName}]"
135                        ))
136                    )
137                else:
138                    for s in bySectors:
139                        print(f"- {s}: {bySectors[s]}")
140    ```
141    """
142    stats: Dict[str, Dict] = {}
144    lghtcrvs = lightkurve.search_lightcurve(
145        starName,
146        author=tuple(authors.keys())
147    )
148    if len(lghtcrvs) != 0:
149        tbl: pandas.DataFrame = lghtcrvs.table.to_pandas()[
150            ["author", "exptime", "mission"]
151        ]
152        logger.debug(tbl)
154        for author, group in (tbl.groupby("author")):
155            if author not in authors:
156                raise ValueError(f"Unknown author: {author}")
157            mission = authors[author]["mission"]
158            if not stats.get(mission):
159                stats[mission] = {}
160            for cadence in ["long", "short", "fast"]:
161                if cadence in authors[author]["cadence"]:
162                    stats[mission][cadence] = {}
163                    cadenceValues: List[int] = (
164                        authors[author]["cadence"][cadence]
165                    )
166                    cadences: pandas.DataFrame = None
167                    if len(cadenceValues) > 0:  # take only specified values
168                        # perhaps both of these should be normalized to int
169                        cadences = group.query("exptime == @cadenceValues")
170                    else:  # any value is good
171                        cadences = group
173                    # total count
174                    stats[mission][cadence]["total"] = len(cadences)
176                    if detailed:
177                        # count by sectors
178                        stats[mission][cadence]["by-sectors"] = {}
179                        for m in cadences["mission"]:
180                            # logger.debug(cadences.query("mission == @m")[
181                            #     "exptime"
182                            # ].values)
183                            sectorMatch = re.search(
184                                missionSectorRegExes[mission],
185                                m
186                            )
187                            if not sectorMatch:
188                                raise ValueError(
189                                    " ".join((
190                                        "Couldn't extract sector from",
191                                        f"this mission value: {m}"
192                                    ))
193                                )
194                            sector = sectorMatch.group(1)
195                            if not stats[mission][cadence]["by-sectors"].get(
196                                sector
197                            ):  # this sector hasn't been added yet
198                                stats[mission][cadence]["by-sectors"][
199                                    sector
200                                ] = {}
201                                # save the cadence/exptime too (assuming
202                                # that it is the same for every sector entry)
203                                stats[mission][cadence]["by-sectors"][sector][
204                                    "exptime"
205                                ] = cadences.query("mission == @m")[
206                                    "exptime"
207                                ].values[0]  # there must be a better way
208                            try:
209                                stats[mission][cadence][
210                                    "by-sectors"
211                                ][sector]["count"] += 1
212                            except KeyError:
213                                stats[mission][cadence][
214                                    "by-sectors"
215                                ][sector]["count"] = 1
216    return stats
219def getLightCurveIDs(
220    starName: str
221) -> Dict[str, List[str]]:
222    """
223    Based on available cadence values statistics for a given star,
224    get names of missions and cadences. For instance, in order to pass
225    them to `altaipony.lcio.from_mast()`.
227    Example:
229    ``` py
230    from phab.utils.databases import lightcurves
231    from altaipony.lcio import from_mast
233    starName = "LTT 1445 A"
234    lightCurveIDs = {}
236    try:
237        lightCurveIDs = lightcurves.getLightCurveIDs(starName)
238    except ValueError as ex:
239        print(f"Failed to get light curves missons and cadences. {ex}")
240        raise
241    if not lightCurveIDs:
242        raise ValueError("Didn't find any results for this star")
243    #print(lightCurveIDs)
245    for m in lightCurveIDs.keys():
246        #print(f"Mission: {m}")
247        for c in lightCurveIDs[m]:
248            #print(f"- {c}")
249            flc = from_mast(
250                starName,
251                mode="LC",
252                cadence=c,
253                mission=m
254            )
255            #print(flc)
256    ```
257    """
258    lightCurveIDs: Dict[str, List[str]] = {}
260    stats: Dict[str, Dict] = getLightCurveStats(
261        starName,
262        detailed=False
263    )
264    if not stats:
265        raise ValueError("Didn't find any results for this star")
267    # the order matters, it goes from most important to least important,
268    # and in fact long cadence is so not important that it is discarded
269    # if there is fast or short cadence available
270    cadencePriority = ["fast", "short", "long"]
272    for m in stats.keys():
273        lightCurveIDs[m] = []
274        priorityThreshold = 0
275        for cp in cadencePriority:
276            # if there is already fast or short cadence in the list,
277            # don't take long cadence (except for mission K2, because
278            # its long cadence is what's most important even if
279            # there are also fast and short ones)
280            if any(lightCurveIDs[m]) and priorityThreshold > 1 and m != "K2":
281                break
282            if cp in stats[m]:
283                # print(f"Count [{cp}]: {stats[m][cp]['total']}")
284                totalCnt = stats[m][cp].get("total")
285                if totalCnt and totalCnt != 0:
286                    lightCurveIDs[m].append(cp)
287                # else:
288                #     print(
289                #         " ".join((
290                #             f"[WARNING] The [{cp}] cadence count",
291                #             f"in [{m}] is 0 (or missing)"
292                #         ))
293                #     )
294            priorityThreshold += 1
296    return lightCurveIDs
authors: Dict[str, Dict] = {'Kepler': {'mission': 'Kepler', 'cadence': {'long': [1800], 'short': [60]}}, 'K2': {'mission': 'K2', 'cadence': {'long': [1800], 'short': [60]}}, 'SPOC': {'mission': 'TESS', 'cadence': {'long': [600], 'short': [120], 'fast': [20]}}, 'TESS-SPOC': {'mission': 'TESS', 'cadence': {'long': []}}}

Dictionary of authors, their cadence values and mapping to missions.

missionSectorRegExes: Dict[str, Pattern] = {'Kepler': re.compile('^Kepler\\s\\w+\\s(\\d+)$'), 'K2': re.compile('^K2\\s\\w+\\s(\\d+)$'), 'TESS': re.compile('^TESS\\s\\w+\\s(\\d+)$')}

Dictionary of regular expressions for extracting sectors.

def getLightCurveStats(starName: str, detailed: bool = True) -> Dict[str, Dict]:
 78def getLightCurveStats(
 79    starName: str,
 80    detailed: bool = True
 81) -> Dict[str, Dict]:
 82    """
 83    Gather statistics about available cadence values for a given star.
 85    If `detailed` is set to `False`, then function will skip collecting
 86    cadence values count by sectors, so resulting statistics will only
 87    contain total count of values.
 89    Example:
 91    ``` py
 92    from phab.utils.databases import lightcurves
 94    stats = lightcurves.getLightCurveStats("Kepler-114")
 95    if not stats:
 96        print("Didn't find any results for this star")
 97    else:
 98        missionName = "Kepler"
 99        cadenceType = "long"
100        sectors = stats.get(
101            missionName,
102            {}
103        ).get(cadenceType)
104        if sectors is None:
105            print(
106                " ".join((
107                    "There doesn't seem to be any sectors",
108                    f"with [{cadenceType}] cadence by [{missionName}]"
109                ))
110            )
111        else:
112            totalProperty = "total"
113            sectorsCount = sectors.get(totalProperty)
114            if sectorsCount is None:
115                print(
116                    " ".join((
117                        f"For some reason, the [{totalProperty}] property",
118                        f"is missing from the [{cadenceType}] cadence",
119                        f"collection by [{missionName}]"
120                    ))
121                )
122            else:
123                print(
124                    " ".join((
125                        f"Total amount of sectors with [{cadenceType}]",
126                        f"cadence by [{missionName}]: {sectorsCount}",
127                    ))
128                )
129                bySectors = sectors.get("by-sectors")
130                if bySectors is None:
131                    print(
132                        " ".join((
133                            "For some reason, the [total] property is missing",
134                            f"from the [{cadenceType}] cadence collection",
135                            f"by [{missionName}]"
136                        ))
137                    )
138                else:
139                    for s in bySectors:
140                        print(f"- {s}: {bySectors[s]}")
141    ```
142    """
143    stats: Dict[str, Dict] = {}
145    lghtcrvs = lightkurve.search_lightcurve(
146        starName,
147        author=tuple(authors.keys())
148    )
149    if len(lghtcrvs) != 0:
150        tbl: pandas.DataFrame = lghtcrvs.table.to_pandas()[
151            ["author", "exptime", "mission"]
152        ]
153        logger.debug(tbl)
155        for author, group in (tbl.groupby("author")):
156            if author not in authors:
157                raise ValueError(f"Unknown author: {author}")
158            mission = authors[author]["mission"]
159            if not stats.get(mission):
160                stats[mission] = {}
161            for cadence in ["long", "short", "fast"]:
162                if cadence in authors[author]["cadence"]:
163                    stats[mission][cadence] = {}
164                    cadenceValues: List[int] = (
165                        authors[author]["cadence"][cadence]
166                    )
167                    cadences: pandas.DataFrame = None
168                    if len(cadenceValues) > 0:  # take only specified values
169                        # perhaps both of these should be normalized to int
170                        cadences = group.query("exptime == @cadenceValues")
171                    else:  # any value is good
172                        cadences = group
174                    # total count
175                    stats[mission][cadence]["total"] = len(cadences)
177                    if detailed:
178                        # count by sectors
179                        stats[mission][cadence]["by-sectors"] = {}
180                        for m in cadences["mission"]:
181                            # logger.debug(cadences.query("mission == @m")[
182                            #     "exptime"
183                            # ].values)
184                            sectorMatch = re.search(
185                                missionSectorRegExes[mission],
186                                m
187                            )
188                            if not sectorMatch:
189                                raise ValueError(
190                                    " ".join((
191                                        "Couldn't extract sector from",
192                                        f"this mission value: {m}"
193                                    ))
194                                )
195                            sector = sectorMatch.group(1)
196                            if not stats[mission][cadence]["by-sectors"].get(
197                                sector
198                            ):  # this sector hasn't been added yet
199                                stats[mission][cadence]["by-sectors"][
200                                    sector
201                                ] = {}
202                                # save the cadence/exptime too (assuming
203                                # that it is the same for every sector entry)
204                                stats[mission][cadence]["by-sectors"][sector][
205                                    "exptime"
206                                ] = cadences.query("mission == @m")[
207                                    "exptime"
208                                ].values[0]  # there must be a better way
209                            try:
210                                stats[mission][cadence][
211                                    "by-sectors"
212                                ][sector]["count"] += 1
213                            except KeyError:
214                                stats[mission][cadence][
215                                    "by-sectors"
216                                ][sector]["count"] = 1
217    return stats

Gather statistics about available cadence values for a given star.

If detailed is set to False, then function will skip collecting cadence values count by sectors, so resulting statistics will only contain total count of values.


from phab.utils.databases import lightcurves

stats = lightcurves.getLightCurveStats("Kepler-114")
if not stats:
    print("Didn't find any results for this star")
    missionName = "Kepler"
    cadenceType = "long"
    sectors = stats.get(
    if sectors is None:
            " ".join((
                "There doesn't seem to be any sectors",
                f"with [{cadenceType}] cadence by [{missionName}]"
        totalProperty = "total"
        sectorsCount = sectors.get(totalProperty)
        if sectorsCount is None:
                " ".join((
                    f"For some reason, the [{totalProperty}] property",
                    f"is missing from the [{cadenceType}] cadence",
                    f"collection by [{missionName}]"
                " ".join((
                    f"Total amount of sectors with [{cadenceType}]",
                    f"cadence by [{missionName}]: {sectorsCount}",
            bySectors = sectors.get("by-sectors")
            if bySectors is None:
                    " ".join((
                        "For some reason, the [total] property is missing",
                        f"from the [{cadenceType}] cadence collection",
                        f"by [{missionName}]"
                for s in bySectors:
                    print(f"- {s}: {bySectors[s]}")
def getLightCurveIDs(starName: str) -> Dict[str, List[str]]:
220def getLightCurveIDs(
221    starName: str
222) -> Dict[str, List[str]]:
223    """
224    Based on available cadence values statistics for a given star,
225    get names of missions and cadences. For instance, in order to pass
226    them to `altaipony.lcio.from_mast()`.
228    Example:
230    ``` py
231    from phab.utils.databases import lightcurves
232    from altaipony.lcio import from_mast
234    starName = "LTT 1445 A"
235    lightCurveIDs = {}
237    try:
238        lightCurveIDs = lightcurves.getLightCurveIDs(starName)
239    except ValueError as ex:
240        print(f"Failed to get light curves missons and cadences. {ex}")
241        raise
242    if not lightCurveIDs:
243        raise ValueError("Didn't find any results for this star")
244    #print(lightCurveIDs)
246    for m in lightCurveIDs.keys():
247        #print(f"Mission: {m}")
248        for c in lightCurveIDs[m]:
249            #print(f"- {c}")
250            flc = from_mast(
251                starName,
252                mode="LC",
253                cadence=c,
254                mission=m
255            )
256            #print(flc)
257    ```
258    """
259    lightCurveIDs: Dict[str, List[str]] = {}
261    stats: Dict[str, Dict] = getLightCurveStats(
262        starName,
263        detailed=False
264    )
265    if not stats:
266        raise ValueError("Didn't find any results for this star")
268    # the order matters, it goes from most important to least important,
269    # and in fact long cadence is so not important that it is discarded
270    # if there is fast or short cadence available
271    cadencePriority = ["fast", "short", "long"]
273    for m in stats.keys():
274        lightCurveIDs[m] = []
275        priorityThreshold = 0
276        for cp in cadencePriority:
277            # if there is already fast or short cadence in the list,
278            # don't take long cadence (except for mission K2, because
279            # its long cadence is what's most important even if
280            # there are also fast and short ones)
281            if any(lightCurveIDs[m]) and priorityThreshold > 1 and m != "K2":
282                break
283            if cp in stats[m]:
284                # print(f"Count [{cp}]: {stats[m][cp]['total']}")
285                totalCnt = stats[m][cp].get("total")
286                if totalCnt and totalCnt != 0:
287                    lightCurveIDs[m].append(cp)
288                # else:
289                #     print(
290                #         " ".join((
291                #             f"[WARNING] The [{cp}] cadence count",
292                #             f"in [{m}] is 0 (or missing)"
293                #         ))
294                #     )
295            priorityThreshold += 1
297    return lightCurveIDs

Based on available cadence values statistics for a given star, get names of missions and cadences. For instance, in order to pass them to altaipony.lcio.from_mast().


from phab.utils.databases import lightcurves
from altaipony.lcio import from_mast

starName = "LTT 1445 A"
lightCurveIDs = {}

    lightCurveIDs = lightcurves.getLightCurveIDs(starName)
except ValueError as ex:
    print(f"Failed to get light curves missons and cadences. {ex}")
if not lightCurveIDs:
    raise ValueError("Didn't find any results for this star")

for m in lightCurveIDs.keys():
    #print(f"Mission: {m}")
    for c in lightCurveIDs[m]:
        #print(f"- {c}")
        flc = from_mast(